Tesler calls itself a miraculous trading application that supposedly helps people make a lot of money without putting in any kind of effort. Their algorithm is said to have high accuracy, but guess what?
Apart from their sales pitch, we couldn’t find any evidence that earns them credibility. Simply put, the creators of this bogus software are bluffing about the performance and almost everything they do highlights the conflict of interest present.
This app is also connected with a lot of offshore entities and the likelihood of getting money back from them is slim to none. Owners are also anonymous and if you take a look at their user reviews available online, then you will most likely run in the opposite direction.
If you are facing issues with withdrawals on their platform, then get in touch with us via the form below. We will guide you through the recovery process and help you get your money back at the earliest.

Who is behind Tesler Scam?
We spent a lot of time trying to trace the real culprits. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find anything that helps us identify the real owners. Lack of social media presence, hidden domain registrant information are all dead giveaway signs that reveal their real agendas.
Parent firm is not revealed and given their connections with offshore entities, trusting them would be a grave mistake. Lack of transparency along with high pressure sales tactics means this platform is not the one you want to employ for any reason.
Think about it for a moment, if they genuinely cared about their product, why are they maintaining such a low profile? Note that customer support is pathetic and once they have access to your funds, then it is almost game over.
How does the software work?
Trading is all about probabilities. There is no sure thing in the markets and anyone that says otherwise is probably a con-man. While looking for a semi-automated solution, you should consider a lot of things such as backtest results, win rate, risk management, etc,.
Tesler’s sales pitch talks a lot about the kind of money they earn. However, if you notice carefully they are just selling a dream. There are no verifiable audits or trading history published by them.
The way they handle the funds are not disclosed and parameters aren’t mentioned. As most of the important aspects are not revealed, how can we trust them with our hard earned money? Markets have been generous to a lot of people, but that doesn’t mean that anyone and everyone will make money via trading.
So, be meticulous and do not start trading unless you understand all the factors involved perfectly. Also, never indulge with this kind of platform that doesn’t even have the courtesy to publish all the details.
Can you really make money with Tesler?
No, there is no way anyone can make money with this app in the long term. Scammers behind this platform have made exaggerated claims to lure retail investors. If their system really helped people, why would they give it to the public for free instead of selling the same algorithms to the banks for a big number?
The only ones to make money from their software will be the brokers which is why they are promoting this bogus app so aggressively. Making money from the markets is possible, but it isn’t easy.
Start by getting yourself educated and regardless of what narrative anyone uses, always have patience and do not forget to do your own research.
Flawed Narratives
It goes without mentioning that the narratives peddled by Tesler Scam are way too easy to spot. Unfortunately, people that have no experience with the markets cannot detect the flaws and they are the ones that will most likely fall for the trap.
The creators of this app have collaborated with the offshore brokers and are working for mutual benefit. Craters get paid for every client they refer to the offshore entities.
Naturally, the conflict of interest is huge and at the end of the day, only the clients will be exposed to risk. Given the way they are structured, ask yourself, is it worth it to even proceed with them in any way?
Tesler Scam User Reviews
The Internet has made it easier to gather information. With a few clicks, we can check the user reviews and for the most part, it gives us a pretty clear picture about the nature of the firm. Tesler has got nothing but terrible ratings and negative consensus all over the web.
Investors are frustrated and some have lost thousands of dollars to them. Plight of the victims are indeed hard to see firsthand. Though we cannot change the past, we are determined to raise awareness about this type of scheme and help people make better choices.
Help us spread the word by sharing this post with your family and friends.
Recover Money from Tesler Scam
There are plenty of online scams operating at any given time. Sadly, people are not aware of the recovery methods and they often get overwhelmed by things such as chargebacks, wire recalls, etc,. If you have lost money to any fraudulent entity, then get in touch with us via the form below.
Our staff will assess your case and help you deal with the situation. The best part is, we never charge anything for our services and our goal is always for the greater good of the community. All you have to do is take the first step and let our experts take over the case.
The Tesler Scam is a thing of the past now. Though the scammers have escaped from the crime scene, it does not mean that you should let them go without any consequences. Act quickly and it will enhance your odds.
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