Possible Fraudulent Bitcoin & Crypto Addresses

Welcome to our dedicated page for reporting fraudulent Bitcoin and cryptocurrency addresses. We appreciate your visit and your commitment to creating a safer digital environment.

At reportyourscam.com, our mission has always been to educate and warn the public about online scams, focusing on those that plague the cryptocurrency world. As scams become increasingly sophisticated, we must band together as a community to counteract this menace.

We are excited to announce our new initiative to build a comprehensive database of fraudulent cryptocurrency addresses. But we need your help to make it effective. If you’ve been a crypto scam victim or have encountered suspicious transactions, we urge you to share those details with us.

How can you help?

  1. Leave a Comment: Scroll down to our comments section and share the fraudulent address and any relevant details about the transaction. Please ensure you don’t disclose any sensitive personal information in your comments.
  2. Email Us: If you prefer a more private approach, email us at admin@reportyourscam.com. Rest assured, your identity will remain anonymous, and we will not share your personal information.

Remember, your contribution could be the key to preventing others from falling victim to these scams. Even a single reported address could save countless individuals from financial and emotional distress.

We appreciate your courage and cooperation in this endeavor. Together, we can strive to ensure that the cryptocurrency world remains an exciting, innovative, and—most importantly—safe space for all.

Thank you for standing with us in this fight against online scams. Your vigilance today creates a safer crypto environment for everyone tomorrow.

Let’s report, prevent, and secure our crypto community together!

Report Fraudulent Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Addresses

List of Reported Fraudulent Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Addresses

bc1q05nqss0375k5x8gnh9ewdjm36yvusy39d94621 – The r/CryptoScamBlacklist subreddit is a community where users share, report, and find information on cryptocurrency scams. One user posted a warning not to send Bitcoin to this address, stating it’s part of a scam. Several comments followed, including a reminder never to wire money to anyone and accusations against supposed recovery scammers. This Bitcoin address, however, is not valid.

These four addresses were published on /r/CryptoScams under “Scam wallet” by u/Striking-Success4085 on August 5, 2023:

  • TJ3Nm3oBVjUL5PSP1FThqYcCGb8jb5Uamm
  • TLbL1AwJyabw81ddJir9pWKRnd9CitQDva
  • TBt4xedn8c2wH8o8GHZuww3iQCxYEoxyZC
  • TEPZjoFS7XhLuyBrxDRCcPKsA7jdC7rLjo

Another user, rushield007, replied:

Another ETH scam wallet:


u/Striking-Success4085 also posted in r/CryptoScams on July 28, 2023, sharing their near-scam experience to warn others.

The user was approached on a dating app by someone who claimed to be named Stephanie W., who professed to work in cryptocurrency. This person tried to convince the user to invest with the promise of high returns. The user was directed to deposit money on a cryptocurrency platform like Binance, convert it into USDT, and then transfer it to a platform named otccee.com, for which a link was provided.

On this platform, they were to ask for a wallet generation. Upon receiving a wallet number, the user became suspicious and decided to create another account on the same platform, resulting in the same wallet number being provided.

Checking on tronscan.org, they confirmed that the wallet already existed and had many transactions. When confronted, “Stephaine” insisted it was normal. The user stopped further interactions, recognized the scam, and shared this experience to warn others, particularly those with limited knowledge of cryptocurrency.


On October 14, 2023, one of our partners received the following complaint from a person who reported being scammed for over $52:

Hi there, I’m writing to you because I’ve sent my Bitcoin to someone who allegedly is helping me in the trading market. After trading, she said I had to deposit 250 dollars to be able to withdraw successfully. I want to get your help to recover my money. I sent it via Luno and sent my Bitcoin to this address: 31y4hkpgxQDVDaHYsRcmuLwn9a1tuXTEok.


On November 9, 2023, we received the following complaint:

They claimed I had won a prize and continually asked for more money. Now, they refuse to return my money. Here is their Bitcoin account: 1E88KUjYY4Qjr85jPmAguiZ4mmXbL6AAao. Their email is dyannapizarro223@gmail.com.


On November 30, 2023, one of our partners received the following complaint:

I sent Litecoin to two different addresses as part of an investment with a website that guaranteed returns. However, it has been two weeks, and I have yet to receive any payment.


Also, on November 30, another complaint came in from an individual who believed they were investing in something that promised to return their principal amount of $1,000 along with some interest. However, they have reported that they were scammed, meaning that they did not receive their principal and interest as expected.

The receiving address to which the $1,000 in USDT was sent was TXtag3bS4EZwzzxaoZFWtaLQYmgF9kbfLu.


The person who reported the scam mentioned that they were targeted through a compromised Facebook page of their former fire captain. They were scammed out of a total of $4,000, which was all the money they and their wife had. This amount was taken in four separate transactions, with three of them sent to the same Bitcoin wallet address, and the last one to a different address.

From the screenshots provided, we can see the details of transactions #1, #2, and #4 sent to the fraudulent Bitcoin address bc1qzapjsuqxwuf0cl5qrr4c9yy5jux6jhx5vd6xa7:

Transaction #1:

  • Sent: 0.03207909 BTC
  • Value at the time of transaction: -$1,100.58
  • Date and time: October 31, 2023, 12:34 AM

Transaction #2:

  • Sent: 0.02863325 BTC
  • Date and time: October 30, 2023, 9:54 PM
  • Blockchain Status: Confirmed

Transaction #4 (sent to a different address):

  • Sent: 0.02750167 BTC
  • Date and time: November 8, 2023, 4:43 PM

The screenshots do not reveal the exact details of the fourth transaction to the different wallet address, nor the details of the third transaction.


On December 3, 2023, we received the following complaint:

My USDT coins were fraudulently transferred to an unknown website, and the transaction was directed to the wallet address 3QdxQVbk2KdSyW3k5SdbG6mYzSrn8Gh5cd. The individual controlling this address is currently freezing my funds and preventing me from withdrawing them.


A cryptocurrency scam has been reported involving an entity identified as “Paramount achievers” using a website located at https://www.finland-paramount.com/index/user/login.html. The victim was led to believe they were engaging in a legitimate transaction or investment through this platform. However, after transferring funds, it became apparent that this was a fraudulent scheme.

The scam involved the unauthorized withdrawal of Tether (USDT), a stablecoin cryptocurrency. Two separate transactions were made from the victim’s account without their consent. The details of the transactions are as follows:

1. The first transaction involved the withdrawal of 10,000 USDT to the following address:
– Receiving Address: TJSQLvzT4g4XZSTiczxwiK9otvawC81ht8

2. The second transaction saw the withdrawal of 1,300 USDT to this address:
– Receiving Address: TFjhPmTXL9F8dENXTCYwY8SxpsggKcbJTs

Both addresses appear to be associated with the TRON blockchain, indicated by the leading ‘T’ in the address format.

As a consequence of these transactions, the victim reports being in significant debt and facing financial ruin.

Msa-amz998.cyou – TGLna4N5Fxkwhm4exRHT3AFFbtHuZyBXUM

The victim encountered the scammer on Twitter, where an ostensibly lucrative opportunity was presented. The scammer successfully convinced the individual to deposit funds into a specific cryptocurrency account, under promises that are typically too good to be true or under the guise of investment or profit-making schemes. The amount deposited ranged between $1,885 and $2,723, a substantial sum that the victim transferred in the hope of a return or benefit as promised by the scammer.

The currency involved was Tron (TRX), which operates on the TRC-10 and TRC-20 token standards — a detail that lends the scam a veneer of credibility due to the technical nature of cryptocurrency transactions. After the funds were deposited, the scammer shifted the narrative, demanding more money under the pretext of enabling withdrawals from the account. This account was linked to the website msa-amz998.cyou, which was used as a front for the scam.

The receiving address provided by the scammer, with transaction hash TGLna4N5Fxkwhm4exRHT3AFFbtHuZyBXUM, was used to siphon the victim’s funds.

bc1qslczdgm02ry8u4pwry5klvrgeutjqyj8lg5q8x & 0x25ca04c4fc4fc6c5b3198107bc87c8d33cc9e326799

In March 2023, an individual began experiencing a series of complex financial scams involving cryptocurrency and various fraudulent entities. The ordeal started with an investment totaling 400 euros in TradesUniversal, split into two transactions of 200 euros each on March 29 and June 21, 2023. Despite their repeated attempts to withdraw funds since July 6th, including communication through emails and calls to the phone number 919015871, they received no response.

The situation escalated in September when the individual was contacted by someone claiming to be financier Mark Noval, using phone number 602869355. This person persuaded the individual to transfer 2011 euros to their Binance account under the guise of helping them retrieve their investment. Using Anydesk, the scammer deceitfully withdrew 0.0762267 BTC from the individual’s Binance account.

In November, the individual was approached by Santiago, who claimed affiliation with the London Stock Exchange (contact number +447360783164, email info@supp-lseg.com). Santiago informed them that he had recovered 15,554.35 USDT of their funds, which necessitated registering with Coinbase Wallet. Following Santiago’s instructions led to further losses for the individual. They were directed to transfer money in several stages, resulting in a loss of 0.129 BTC. These transactions were directed to a wallet address (bc1qslczdgm02ry8u4pwry5klvrgeutjqyj8lg5q8x).

In December, the individual was deceived by someone posing the CEO of CNC Intelligence, leading to the opening of an account with Atomic and a transfer of 1785 euros. Furthermore, Gerardo Gómez Mora (phone number 34631452158), presenting himself as a financial expert, got involved and remotely accessed the individual’s computer using Anydesk. This resulted in the transfer of 0.88 ETH from their Binance account to another wallet (0x25ca04c4fc4fc6c5b3198107bc87c8d33cc9e326799), which was immediately redirected to an unknown address.


An individual fell victim to a cryptocurrency scam, leading to the loss of $15,000 in Bitcoin. The fraudulent activity involved the victim granting remote access to their computer via an application known as “Any Desk,” a tool commonly used for remote desktop access. During this breach of security, the scammer managed to deceive the victim into sending Bitcoin to a specified address. The sending address associated with the fraudulent transaction is bc1qy34ktcq6k4sm8y0a80gjsgl204w570e25yez89.

The transaction details, which were meticulously documented, show a transfer to the above-mentioned Bitcoin address. The scam involved a complex scheme to manipulate the victim into making an unwarranted financial transfer under false pretenses.


A new crypto scam has been reported on January 4, 2024, involving the LSPICE investment platform. The scam occurred through a fraudulent blockchain address (0x77f37d1bE3d4D20CFF803C056939eB5BFf2f0490) using USDT BNB20. The victim initially deposited 30.81 USDT into the platform, intending to invest it over several weeks. The total accumulated amount reached 52.51 USDT. However, the platform turned out to be a scam, affecting not only this individual but many others as well. The scam utilized the website LSPICE.COM and was associated with an IP address and contact information on Telegram (lspice@lvrsi.com), with an office address listed at 1009 Grant St, Denver, CO 80203U. The transaction hash for this scam is 0xd67a7ceb75a74f987b7d08ec871ad3dacb2ca60ea95aca94d7fef079cd780da0.


A potentially fraudulent cryptocurrency transaction that involved the transfer of 0.26362785 BTC.

The transaction is currently under investigation due to the belief that it was either unintended or fraudulent. In an effort to address the situation, the party investigating the case is attempting to identify the cryptocurrency exchange where the recipient account is located.

The details of the transaction, including the Bitcoin transaction hash (583208b701f2279dd51c0f096bfaefb8cd7a7775c47af835467b2473cb406f3d) and the receiving address (bc1qcq87h5j78t2jd68yfyrx66n2st35pgphf9msls), are crucial pieces of information.

Repeated Unauthorized Cryptocurrency Transfers from MetaMask Wallet

It appears there is a case of a cryptocurrency scam involving Ethereum and ERC20 tokens, specifically USDC. The victim reported that on December 31st, they withdrew 0.086 ETH from Bitget to their MetaMask wallet on the Ethereum chain. Although the funds were initially received in MetaMask, they were soon stolen from the wallet. Upon inspection of the transaction on Etherscan, it was found that the account had been hacked, and the Ethereum was transferred to another address. The transaction details on Etherscan showed that while the transferred amount was only 0.0033 ETH, the transaction fee was disproportionately high at 0.081 ETH, which is unusual and indicative of potential foul play.

Furthermore, in a second incident, they withdrew USDC from Bitget to MetaMask and similarly found that at the exact time of the receipt confirmation at 9:19, the USDC tokens were also missing from the wallet, pointing to a recurring security breach.

The receiving address identified in the fraudulent Ethereum transfer is 0xf26E66e5B89F09087566B5df0007F3abD6c44fb0, and the transaction hash for the Ethereum transfer is 0x72489a00f626b94ca1a97716dbd4e8094b1e6515e7402bb05a0a1727efdb9195.


The Bitcoin address 3P8PFZUkqNi8tp2JJi26xmWXZpm47AdZsA has gained notoriety due to its association with fraudulent activities. Marked by a significant number of reports (48 to be precise) on BitcoinWhosWho.com, this address is a hotbed of scam concerns in the cryptocurrency community.

The lack of transparent transaction history and balance details further clouds its operations, making it difficult to trace or verify its activities. This address’s association with scams, especially those linked to the Climbometa platform, underscores the need for heightened vigilance within the crypto community.

If you are a victim of online scams, please let us know by commenting below, and if you have lost a significant amount of money, do not lose hope. We can help you recover your funds!

When you comment, your name, comment, and the timestamp will be public. We also store this data, which may be used for research or content creation in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By commenting, you consent to these terms.

2 thoughts on “Possible Fraudulent Bitcoin & Crypto Addresses”

  1. Being scammed with cash app bitcoin pay pal vero Walmart card net spends green dot they have emailing of names social security date birth

    1. Dear Roxie Dee Lopez,

      Thank you for reaching out to us at ReportYourScam.com. We are truly sorry to hear about your experience with financial scams involving Cash App, Bitcoin, PayPal, Vero, Walmart cards, NetSpend, and Green Dot. The details you’ve provided suggest a complex situation involving multiple payment platforms and personal information breaches.

      Firstly, it’s crucial to take immediate steps to secure your financial and personal information:

      1. Contact Financial Institutions: Reach out to each platform you mentioned (Cash App, PayPal, etc.) and inform them about the scam. They may have specific procedures to help secure your accounts and minimize further risks.

      2. Report Identity Theft: If your social security number and date of birth were compromised, consider reporting this to the relevant authorities. In the U.S., you can report identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) via IdentityTheft.gov.

      3. Change Passwords and Security Information: Update your passwords and security questions for all affected and even unrelated accounts, as scammers often attempt to access more than what they initially targeted.

      4. Monitor Your Accounts: Keep an eye on your bank statements, credit reports, and other financial accounts for any unusual activity.

      For assistance in tracing and potentially recovering lost assets, our affiliated company, CNC Intelligence, specializes in cryptocurrency tracing and cyber investigations. They work closely with law enforcement and law firms to assist in asset and fund recovery efforts. Given the complexity of your case, involving multiple payment methods and potential identity theft, their expertise could be invaluable.

      Lastly, we encourage you to share your story on our platform. Your experience, while unfortunate, could help raise awareness and prevent similar scams from affecting others. If you’re comfortable, please submit a detailed account of your experience here: https://scamcrypto.net/report-crypto-scam/.

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