Exposed – The Risks Behind the Returns - Review positions itself as a multifaceted trading platform, allowing users to engage in live market activities, futures, and options trading. Moreover, it extends an intriguing proposition: the opportunity to participate in cryptocurrency mining without needing advanced hardware. At first glance, this promise may seem appealing, potentially democratizing the mining process for a broader audience. However, the feasibility and realism of such claims warrant a closer examination.

The combination of trading and mining services, especially without requiring substantial hardware, raises questions about the platform’s legitimacy and operational integrity. As we delve into the intricacies of, our analysis aims to discern whether it stands as a genuine opportunity for users or if it veers towards the spectrum of a scam.

Overview of Operations and Claims presents itself as a crypto exchange platform, boasting an attractive offer of zero transaction fees to its users. However, discrepancies arise as users report that demands a 1% upfront fee on total withdrawals, a figure that allegedly increases daily. Our investigation into reveals several aspects of its operation that are concerning.

Firstly, does not adhere to standard KYC (Know Your Customer) verification processes, a fundamental protocol for preventing fraud and ensuring the security of transactions within financial services. The absence of customer support further exacerbates user concerns, leaving them without recourse in resolving issues or obtaining information.

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Moreover, promises exceptionally high returns on investment through mining—up to 292% daily. Such figures, when extrapolated, suggest an unrealistic monthly return of 876%, raising red flags about the feasibility and authenticity of these claims. The platform’s approach to app distribution further questions the credibility of these promises. opts for a third-party link for app downloads. Circumventing the regulatory scrutiny and security assurances that come with listing on official app stores like Google Play Store and App Store.

These significant concerns include the platform’s non-compliance with essential financial security measures, lack of transparency, and unrealistic financial promises. Potential users are urged to exercise caution. Before initiating trading activities on, it is highly recommended that the risks outlined in our comprehensive analysis be thoroughly reviewed and considered.

Red flags of

Upon investigating, several red flags have emerged, casting doubt on the platform’s credibility and potentially signaling a high-risk environment for investors and traders. Here are the primary concerns identified

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    1. Unrealistic Returns: promises exceptionally high returns on investment, which appear unrealistic and unsustainable over the long term. Such claims often indicate a lack of a viable financial model or, worse, a scheme designed to attract investors without intending to deliver on those promises.
    2. Third-party App Links: The platform directs users to third-party applications for essential functions. This practice raises security concerns, as it could expose users to unverified and potentially malicious software, increasing the risk of data theft or financial loss.
    3. Lack of Customer Support: There is no clear mechanism for customer support on This absence is troubling, as legitimate platforms typically offer robust support channels to address user queries and issues, ensuring a trustworthy trading environment.
    4. Upfront Fees for Withdrawal: Users are reportedly required to pay fees upfront to withdraw their earnings. This practice is highly irregular and often a hallmark of fraudulent operations, as it creates a barrier to accessing one’s own funds, contrary to the norms of legitimate trading platforms
    5. Non-compliance with KYC Verification: does not adhere to standard Know Your Customer (KYC) verification processes. This lack of compliance undermines the platform’s security and suggests a disregard for regulatory standards. Increasing the risk of fraudulent activity and financial crime.

    These red flags suggest that may not operate in its users’ best interest and could be a scam. Individuals considering this platform for trading or mining should exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and look for more secure and transparent alternatives. Investment Plans Overview offers a range of investment plans that promise significant returns over short periods. Catering to a wide spectrum of investment capacities. Below is a detailed overview of each plan:

    1. First Plan:
      Return: 109.5%
      Mining Period: 1 Day
      Investment Range: $100 to $50,000
    2. Second Plan:
      Return: 182.5%
      Mining Period: 5 Days
      Investment Range: $10,000 to $50,000
    3. Third Plan:
      Return: 229.95%
      Mining Period: 10 Days
      Investment Range: $50,000 to $200,000
    4. Fourth Plan:
      Return: 255.5%
      Mining Period: 20 Days
      Investment Range: $50,000 to $200,000
    5. Fifth Plan:
      Return: 292%
      Mining Period: 90 Days
      Investment Range: $100,000 to $1,000,000

    Each of these plans presents an ambitious return on investment (ROI), escalating with the length of the mining period and the amount invested. Such high returns are atypical in cryptocurrency mining, which is traditionally known for its volatility and unpredictable profitability. The stark progression in potential earnings, especially with substantial capital. Is both alluring and cautionary, inviting scrutiny into the feasibility and risk management strategies employed by

    Investors considering these plans should weigh the lucrative returns against the potential risks, especially considering the platform’s red flags. Thorough due diligence is essential, considering the platform’s lack of customer support, upfront withdrawal fees, and noncompliance with standard verification processes, all of which could significantly impact the security and accessibility of invested funds.

    BBB Complaints

    On March 29, 2024, the following complaint was filed with the BBB (Better Business Bureau) regarding a cryptocurrency scam at by a person who reported being scammed for $730,000:

    I used Cytpe.AI platform to trade cryptocurrency but when I try to withdraw, Cytpe freeze my account and asked I need to pay them $127,000 fee before I can withdraw if not paying this fee, they will charge me 1% interest from 3/20/24 ($127000 fee they just notified my 6 days to pay), I told them deduct fee from my account and they said I need to make a deposit instead of deducting from my account. Now, I have $730000 is stuck at Cytpe.AI cannot withdraw. Please help me to recover my fund.

    On May 1, 2024, another complaint was filed with the BBB by a person who reported being scammed for $8640:

    Dickie Chwy connected with me on LinkedIn in early March 2024. His LinkedIn profile states that he works at NVIDIA as an AI Analyst. We then chatted on WhatsApp (Dickie’s WhatsApp: 213-318-0162) and by phone (424-438-0786). Dickie had me open a account and instructed me to buy and sell crypto on the actual site. He then had me withdraw my funds into an external wallet at the Cytpe.AI Cryptocurrency Trading Platform. Dickie called it short-term trading and claimed that I would make a significant profit with my money. However, it was all an elaborate scam. My funds are now stuck in the fake trading platform, and I have lost close to $9,000.

    My bank was concerned with my ACH bank transfers and reported the fake Cytpe.AI platform to the FBI. On April 12, 2024, I received a call from the FBI. I realized it was a scam when, on April 25, 2024, I received a notice that 34 fake NVIDIA employees had viewed my LinkedIn profile. The scammers used LinkedIn to phish for victims to trade on their fake trading platform. They traded on the actual site and used Strike and Coinbase to transfer funds into their bank account. The Cytpe.AI website is a scam.

    They reported that the scammers’ phone number was (213) 318-0162.

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    On May 22, 2024, a complaint was filed by a person who reported being scammed for $297K:

    ZenGo Wallet Banner

    I was introduced to a crypto trading site, The person who introduced it to me wanted to be friends. She showed me how to sign up, trade, and view the profits. When I tried to withdraw $297,000, the transaction was frozen. I had previously withdrawn a small amount, $2,000, without any issues or requests for a service fee. Now, they want me to pay a $52,122 service fee before releasing the money, and there’s no guarantee it will be released. There is no information anywhere on the site about service fees or their amounts.


    The investment plans offered by boast remarkably high returns within short periods, ranging from a single day to ninety days, with investment thresholds accommodating a wide array of financial capacities. While these plans are undeniably attractive, offering returns far exceeding conventional market rates, they are accompanied by substantial risks, underscored by several red flags identified during our investigation.

    These include unrealistic promises, the absence of customer support, requirements for upfront withdrawal fees, and lax security measures. Such factors cast doubt on the platform’s credibility and operational integrity. Potential investors are urged to exercise caution and conduct comprehensive research before committing funds.

    The allure of high returns should not overshadow the importance of security and transparency. In the volatile realm of cryptocurrency investment, prudence and due diligence are paramount to safeguarding one’s financial interests.

    If you are a victim of online scams, please let us know by commenting below, and if you have lost a significant amount of money, do not lose hope. We can help you recover your funds!

    When you comment, your name, comment, and the timestamp will be public. We also store this data, which may be used for research or content creation in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By commenting, you consent to these terms.

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