Welcome to our Onyx Traders review, in which we investigate the website currently found at onyx-traders.net. Introduction On May 1, 2023, an Ontario, Canada, person who claims to be a victim of a cryptocurrency scam for $30K filed the following complaint with the BBB (Better Business Bureau): I have been involved in a crypto scam...
Welcome to our CG Trade Review, in which we investigate the website currently found at cgtrade.com. Recently one of our partners received the following complaint from a Ghana person who claims to have lost $220: CG Trade took my money on the very first day of registration. I haven’t received any money back. So is...
Hello and welcome to our CoinCap VIP review in which we investigate a possible scam. On April 19, 2023 we received the following complaint from a Belgium person who claims being scammed for $18,000. He reports: I met a lady online on Badoo [a dating-focused social network], and we started investing in a CoinCap VIP...
Welcome to our SwiftTrade review, in which we take a look at a wide variety of websites that call themselves “Swift Trade” or some variation of that to find out which of them are a SCAM! Recently, we came across this complaint by an individual: I invested R3000 with SwiftTrade, a trading company, as per...
Welcome to our BitQuick review in which we investigate the website currently found at Bitquicks.cc. Recently, one of our partners received the following complaint from a person who claims being scammed for $25,000 by Bitquicks.net: Someone added me to a group to join the Bitquicks.net website for trading cryptocurrency, promising profits. I joined and made...
Welcome to our Mxkex Review, in which we investigate the website currently found at mxkex.ltd. Recently we received a complaint from a person who claims losing $5,000 to a cryptocurrency scam found at mxkex.ltd. They write: Someone contacted me on WhatsApp and asked if I was interested in trading. After following their messages for a...
Welcome to our Reina Options Investment in which we investigate the website currently found at reinaoptionsinvestment.com. On March 22, 2023, we came across the following Better Business Bureau report by a person from Alaska, USA, who claims to have been scammed for $3,000 by a cryptocurrency scam known as Reina Options Investments. They write: I...
Welcome to our Megatradeoptions Review in which we investigate the website currently found at Megatradeoptions.com. On February 25, 2023, two days ago, we’ve received the following report from a person who claims being scammed for more than $3,600: Over a year ago, this woman contacted me and offered coaching services. She claimed to work for...
Welcome to our Crava Review in which we investigate the website currently found at crava.trade. About a week ago, on February 15, 2023, a complaint was posted on the BBB (Better Business Bureau) by a central Ohio, USA person who claims being scammed for $13,000 on crava.trade: The victim met a scammer on TikTok who...
Welcome to our Athens Markets Review in which we look into the Athens broker currently found at athensmarkets.co. We have found some complaints about them which triggered us to write this review so if you’re wondering if you can trust Athens Markets and should be trading in AthensMarkets, please read this review before investing! Athens...